Rosselli di GimiglianoDalle origini a noi

Arezzo (Toscana). Durante el siglo XI de nuestra era: Don Pietro es el fundador de una familia poderosa, los Rosselli.

El escudo de armas que los distingue son las rosas rojas, quizás 3, 5 o 7 dependiendo de la época histórica y las muchas batallas en las que los hombres de esta familia se han distinguido.

Desde la ciudad toscana esta ilustre familia se expande por toda Europa incluyendo Englaterra, España y Mallorca. Alrededor del siglo XV, Bernardo Rosel, la rama Inglés, «desacoplado con grandes elogios de sus asuntos a Italia», se trasladó a Nápoles y allí, casado con Elonora Aleastri, aumenta su linaje. Uno de sus hijos, Don Vincenzo Rosselli, cuando murió su padre, se trasladó a Palermo. Y en este pasaje crucial de Nápoles a Palermo que se originó la descendencia de los Rosselli de Gimigliano. De esta rama ilustre se traza, en gran detalle, la línea dinástica que los personajes sólo han mencionado, conduce hasta la fecha. Se relatan la vida y obra de los más famosos, Hannibal y Tiberio Rosselli, en el siglo XVI, filósofos y escritores de renombre de muy importante trabajo filosófico; el camarero de honor  de Benedicto XIV y Pío VI, Mons. Tiberio Rosselli, en el siglo XVIII, tiene tareas cruciales en la negociación entre los Estados Pontificios y el Reino de las Dos Sicilias, para resolver las tensiones inevitables entre los dos estados vecinos.

El tenutario Abate Rosselli en 1778 es Abate en el famoso Abbazia en Pesaca (Taverna, Catanzaro), de la que hoy todavía se pueden ver los restos. Se muestran, con imágenes detalladas, los documentos que constituyen el Archivo ROSSELLI y heredadas por estos personajes y que hoy los autores de este estudio querían sacar a la luz y dar a la visión y el estudio de quién va a ser atrapado por esta historia familiar milenaria.

Annibale Rosselli

1525 - 1592

Born on first Sunday of August, 1525, at noon; son of Gianbattista and Caterina (he does not report the family name
of his mother); he is himself that writes on book V, page 272 of “de Elementi et descriptione
totius orbis nel Pymander Mercurii Trismegisti cum commento Fr. Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri…”:
“concepit me mater mea Catharina ex patre Ioanne Baptista a Rosellis, bene nato et literarum haud ignaro;
peperit vero apud Gimilianum oppidum, ab urbe sex miliari bus semotum, prima Dominica mensis Augusti
anno 1525 in media die”.

In the years 1571-1581 he teaches theology in his province and at the same time begins to write his ten volumes
of the Commentario to 'Pymander' and 'Asclepius' belonging to the so-called Corpus Hermeticum, the philosophical
and theological part of a set of written even astrological, magical and medical, erroneously attributed to the mythical
Egyptian god Hermes Trismegistus, ending his fatigue in 1581. The Francescani General Minister, Francesco Gonzaga
entrusted him with the mission of the reform of the studies in Poland, Krakow.
The book follows a thorough biography and analysis of texts and thought of our ancestor.

Tiberio Rosselli

1490 - 1560

Tiberio Rosselli "from Gimigliano castle of Calabria, most learned philosopher was student of Agostino Nifo
and after the master's death, having no equal among all the philosophers of the Kingdom of Naples,
began to read publicly philosophy in Salerno, when left to Africa, he was killed by his slave "
(G. A. Cappellari Vivaro, Emporio Universale delle Famiglie). In 1519 he proposed to the universities of Bologna,
Ferrara, Padua, Parma, Florence and Pisa a true "philosophical debate" based on his 400 theses but only in Florence and
Padua they accepted the discussion and in the same year he published a partial defense of his philosophy in Parma,
with the title of Apologeticus Adversos Cucullatos, where among other things was "the historical life of Christ as
subject to the laws of astrology, the eternity of the world, the non-uniqueness of the flood universal and resurfaced
some heretical thesis of Pico della Mirandola (Veronese Caseracciu 1993-94).

Mons. Tiberio Rosselli

1716 - 1793

Ecclesiastical personality of “Famiglia Pontificia” in the eighteenth century; Chamberlain of Pope Benedict XIV and Pope Pius VI;
he has a fundamental role in the secret delegations between Vatican and the Reign of Due Sicilie, Ferdinand IV of Borbone,
in negotiations for peace.
In the Rosselli's archives come down to us, we can read the statement by the Archimandrita of Messina Church,
Cardinal Giovanni De Gregorio, countersigned by the Notary Filippo Petrangeli that relies to Mons. Tiberio Rosselli
the usufruct of annuities of the Church of St. John and the adjoining Old Hospital in Gimigliano. Given its influence in the upper
levels in Vatican, he directs certainly in his favor the dispute with Mons. Troili, Bishop of Catanzaro.
In the header of this important document, receiving the blessing by Pope Pius VI, we read how Tiberius is apostrophed
as "Dilecto Filio", proof of the high consideration of our ancestor in the Roman Curia.

In our book an accurate biography of this character is reported.

Giacomo Rosselli, Abbot

1744 - 1810

Son of Pietro and Anna Paoletti. He is a valuable Clergy man as reported by the chronicles at the time.
Through the documents come-up to us and handed down by Mons. Tiberio Rosselli, Giacomo is Abbot of
Santa Maria di Pesaca Abbey, in Taverna (Catanzaro). The parchment dated December 15, 1778, with
attached medallion bearing the engraving of the name of Pope Pius VI, reports on the back signature, in Latin
"D. Jacobus Rosselli Monasterium ". The parchment is written in Latin “onciale” typical ecclesiastic official documents writing.
The influence at the Vatican of Mons. Tiberio Rosselli, Giacomo's uncle, at the time, plays a decisive role in addressing the decision in favour of
ancestor; in fact to be assigned a so important responsibility in social, economical and spiritual
terms at the time it was not easy.

This important document was handed up by hands to hands during centuries up-to now in ours and we donate to
the vision of the people who are interested into it.

Manuscript "Rosselli"

dated second half of XIX century
we do not know but only giving a hypothesis about the author and the year of this work.

This manuscript, bound with leather cover, could be datable to the second half of the nineteenth century.
Based on the analysis of the booklet and the information in our possession, we believe with some confidence
to say that the author of this manuscript may be Federico Guglielmo Rosselli.
From the analysis of the text the author has the aim of bringing up the stories of eminent personalities of Gimigliano
town starting from Lamannis’ masterpiece, “Miscellanea Patria” and the old story of the origin of the town with
the thirty villages.

Pergamino para la asignación a tenutario Abadía de Pesaca Taverna Abate Giacomo Rosselli (1778)

Se puede comprar el árbol genealógico de la familia Rosselli desde Gimigliano sin comprar todo el libro.

Todavía recomendamos comprar el libro y el árbol de la familia para una mayor comprensión de la obra y los personajes aqui presentados.